This kid is so inspiring. He is one of the most positive, enthusiastic people I know (well, I don't know him, but... you know what I mean.) I would never have guessed that he has Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a brittle bone disease. It's so uplifting that he doesn't let his condition define him. You can read a lot more about this young man who we should really all model our lives after here.
I follow Kid President and the channel that posts his videos (among lots of other great stuff), SoulPancake. Here's one of his latest gems.
In his video, Kid President asks the question: What do kids need to know? My answer to this question is that kids need to know how to create. They need to know how to solve problems. They need to know how to work with other people. They need to know that some things are bigger than themselves. And they can learn it all by participating in music.
At a time when arts education is in a somewhat dangerous spot, I think it's important that we reflect on all the benefits the arts really offer our kids. More and more research is coming about about how arts and music education will make for smarter kids and higher test scores, yet funding continues to be cut for such programs. It's really a shame and it's our students and our future that's taking the hit.
One of my Facebook friends posted this article the other day and it's just one of many I've read recently in support of music education. Give it a read for yourself. Then become an advocate for music education. Because, after all, it's going to teach the kids what they need to know.
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