Friday, August 29, 2014

New Room! (Preview)

I have a new classroom!

It doesn't have a desk... or a whiteboard... or any storage for instruments... but I have a new classroom!

Luckily, we recruit in the fall, so it's not a HUGE deal that it's not done yet.  I am confident praying it will be done by the time we start in a few weeks.

Anyway, I'm still pretty excited.  I made these posters to hang on the otherwise-boring walls outside the room.  It brightens up the space, and I have to say I'm pretty proud of the music-advocacy statement they make.  Plus, it's one small thing I feel like I have a little control over :)

Please excuse the crooked/blurry pictures.  I almost got trampled by the 2nd graders on their way out to recess!

I made one for band too.  Don't want them to feel left out!
Stay tuned for pictures of the inside!  Right now it's not ready for company yet...

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